Phidaly Counseling

Serving NYC clients since 2017

We utilize an eclectic mix of experiential, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioral (CBT) modalities to fit your needs.

Our mission is to create a safe therapeutic environment where you can use the space and your counselor as a microcosm of all of your relationships and gain a better understanding of yourself and your goals.

This is the time.

Our philosophy to therapy is to meet clients “where they are at” and bring them to where they want to go. The idea of a therapy “journey” may sound corny, but we believe that what you learn about yourself in therapy is just as, if not more, valuable than the destination. In using the therapeutic experience to launch clients into understanding and building a stronger sense of self, goals feel far more achievable than ever before.

A different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each has a unique story.

— Irvin D. Yalom

Contact us for an appointment or to learn more!

We provide accessible therapeutic services, spanning a diverse population of clients.

Sliding scale rates are $125-$250 as needed.